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  • Tariff Pay talks 2022

    Overview of press releases from Norwegian Oil and Gas in connection with the 2022 pay talks.

  • Klima og miljø

    Climate/Environment KonKraft statusrapport 2022 (English edition) Offshore Norge's views the climate challenge with concern and deep seriousness. Environmental reports Climate In August, a

  • Om oss Facts about membership

    The Norwegian Oil and Gas Association accepts both oil companies and supplier firms as members. According to the association’s by-laws, oil companies must be licensees in one or more production licenc

  • Drift HMS Dropped objects

    Objects dropped from a height have the potential to cause harm to both people and equipment, and such incidents are a significant cause of personal injuries on Norway’s offshore installations.

  • Logistikk

  • Reports Arbeidsliv Havvind HSE/Operations Environment Reports HSE/Operatio Les våre rapporter relatert til arbeidsliv. Les våre rapporter relatert til havvind. Reports related to HSE and

  • Privacy

    Here you will find everything about privacy at Offshore Norge.

  • Om oss Contact us

    Our main office is in Hinna, Stavanger, and we also have offices in Oslo and Stokmarknes.

  • Beregn resultatet og vurder usikkerhet

    Standardene gir detaljert beskrivelse av hvordan resultat og beregning av usikkerhet skal gjøre. Som nevnt følger det er ferdig regneark med ISO 9612.