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Mediation for land employees in Safe
The Norwegian Union of Energy Workers (Safe) has announced that it does not accept the outcome of negotiations on the oil agreement for land-based oil plants in Norway. This collective pay settlement will thereby go to mediation.
Forbereder en ny generasjon oljearbeidere
For å møte utfordringene i olje- og gassbransjen gjennomførte Stavanger offshore tekniske skole i fjor en ny utdanningsmodell. I år får dobbelt så mange elever sjansen.
Talks break down over oil service agreement
The Norwegian Union of Industry and Energy Workers (Industry Energy) has notified the Norwegian Oil and Gas Association that it is breaking off negotiations on pay and conditions under the oil service agreement.
Mediation with Safe over well service agreement
A mediation process will be conducted today between the Norwegian Oil and Gas Association and the Norwegian Union of Energy Workers (Safe) over the well service pay agreement. The deadline expires at midnight.