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  • Arbeidsliv Agreement with one union, mediation with the other

    A settlement on oil service pay was reached between Norwegian Oil and Gas and the Norwegian Union of Industry and Energy Workers (Industry Energy). The Norwegian Union of Energy Workers (Safe) broke

  • Arbeidsliv Breakdown over offshore agreements

    Negotiations with three unions over the offshore collective pay agreements have broken down. The settlement will thereby go to mediation.

  • Arbeidsliv Dates for this year’s pay settlements

    Talks on the collective pay agreements negotiated by the Norwegian Oil and Gas Association begin next week. First off the mark are the offshore agreements.

  • Suspension of RN Nordic and Lukoil

    The board of Norwegian Oil and Gas have decided to suspend the membership of the Russian companies Lukoil Overseas North Shelf AS and RN Nordic Oil AS.

  • Arbeidsliv Challenging pay talks for land bases

    Negotiations over a new set of agreements on pay and conditions for the land bases serving Norway’s offshore sector are under way this week. The industry is in a very demanding position, and the

  • Arbeidsliv Mediation under way on land base settlement

    About 800 employees are covered by the land base settlement, which will be the subject of mediation on Thursday and Friday this week. They work at offshore supply bases along the whole Norwegian

  • Arbeidsliv Agreement reached with Safe

    A strike has been averted following a mediated settlement with the Norwegian Union of Energy Workers (Safe) over the oil agreement, which applies in part to land-based facilities.

  • Environmental report 2017

    Environmental report 2017 Each year, the Norwegian Norwegian Oil and Gas Association publishes a special environmental report, the objectives of which include publishing emission and discharge data