Highlights from the program
- Updates from the PSA
- Experience transfer - P&A experience for differents assets and challenges
- P&A and environmental challenges - Usage of different barrier materials and methane seepage
- P&A Rigless operations - Testing of rigless P&A operations
- P&A Technology needs - Usage of neew technology being applied, and experiences drawn from usage of these
Estimated P&A - Norwegian Continental Shelf 2021 - 2026
Roadmap for New P&A Technologies
Regulatory updates
Updates and information from the PSA
- Nina Ringøen, PSA
EU's Methane regulation and potential consequences for initiative wells on the NCS
- Ann-Cathrin Vaage, Offshore Norge
Experience transfer
Veslefrikk - P&A experience
- Stephen Stragiotti, Equinor
Ekofisk - P&A experience
- Thomas Eide Mæland, ConocoPhillips
Veslefrikk – Experiences from test of short lengths of formation creep
- Tormod Fossdal, Equinor
Environmental challenges
Settled Barite as Annular Barrier - Characterization and refinement
- Ragnhild Skorpa, SINTEF & Mahmoud Khalifeh, UiS
Bismuth based barrier materials – Initial results 3rd party testing in SWIPA
- Sigbjørn Sangesland, NTNU, Nils Opedal, SINTEF & Noralf Vedvik, NTNU
Experience with dual string logging
- Ioan-Alexandru Merciu, Equinor & Amit Govil, Schlumberger
Logging and interpretation of logging data
- Tore Sirevaag, Equanostic
Avoid swarf to surface
- Baker Hughes, SwarFix & Abrado