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Digital seminar on German energy politics and investment opportunities

Germany is one of our most important trade partners and Norway is currently Germany’s largest energy supplier. It is increasingly important for us to understand the German energy and climate politics and how these politics influence current and future investment opportunities for Norwegian companies.

Several political and commercial agreements between Norway and Germany have been signed lately. The two countries work closely together on both current and future energy solutions. And, Germany has high ambitions for a transition of the country’s energy consumption to 80% green energy by 2030, as part of the “Energiewende”

Offshore Norge and NHO, therefore hold this digital (Teams) morning seminar in cooperation with Thema Consulting Group and The Norwegian Embassy in Berlin, on Tuesday 26th September 2023, 09:00-10:30.


09:00-10:00 Status of Germany’s energy politics – Markus Franken, Managing Director, Thema Consulting Deutschland (English language)

10:00-10:30 Investment opportunities for Norwegian companies in Germany – The Norwegian Embassy in Berlin

The seminar will among many topics address,

  • A status of Germany’s energy politics
  • The transition of Germany’s energy systems
  • The role of hydrogen and CCS
  • Geopolitical challenges and future perspectives

You will also learn about market opportunities for Norwegian companies in Germany.

If you would like to attend the seminar, please contact Erling Kvadsheim