Strategic objectives, adopted by the board on 26 November 2020.
Work areas under the strategic objectives
- We shall contribute to developing a profitable and competitive industry, which is attractive to national and international investors
- Fiscal framework conditions and/or support schemes
- The concession system
- Access to land
- Health, working environment and safety, framework
- Environmental
- Wages and working conditions
- We will contribute to creating jobs through the development and production phase of offshore wind facilities on the Norwegian continental shelf, in addition to jobs as a result of exporting offshore wind technology
- Emergence of the Norwegian supplier industry
- We will contribute to reduced greenhouse gas emissions nationally and globally - while taking care of nature and the environment in a sustainable way
- Electrification of oil and gas installations
- Follow up the EU and UK's work with offshore wind
- Nature considerations and sustainability
- Establishment of infrastructure for power
- We shall contribute to coexistence with fisheries and create synergies between business interests in the sea
- Coexistence with the fishing industry
- Coexistence with other business interests, shipping, petroleum and aquaculture
- Synergy between industries
Offshore Norge believes that a targeted Norwegian offshore wind investment can:
- build a completely new supplier industry with several thousand industrial workplaces and provide a basis for activity for several decades to come
- increase power access to Norway, provide increased security of supply and maintain Norway's position as a net exporter of power
- contribute to reaching Norwegian and European climate targets and ensure a strong Norwegian role in the development of the North Sea network
Contact person

Roger Pedersen
Manager, Offshore wind