147 - Recommended guidelines for Best Available Technique (BAT) assessments 147 - Recommended guidelines for Best Available Technique (BAT assessments, Rev. 00 The guideline provides guidance for how
Klima og miljø | Drift 147 - Recommended guidelines for Best Available Technique (BAT) assessments
Arrangementer Årskonferanse 2023 innledning
Les administrerende direktør Hildegunn T. Blindheims innledning fra vår årskonferanse.
Arbeidsliv Talks on offshore pay deals under way
This year’s negotiations on collective pay agreements for operator, drilling and catering employees on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS) are taking place on 7-8 May.
Klima og miljø 046 - Recommended guidelines for barite quality
046 - Recommended guidelines for barite quality 046 - Recommended guidelines for barite quality, Rev. 02 A new revision of guidelines 046 Offshore Norge recommended guidelines for barite quality is
Drift | Logistikk 146 - Recommended guidelines for exchange of logistics data
146 - Recommended guidelines for exchange of logistics data 146 - Recommended guideliines for exchange of logistics data - Rev. 00 A guideline has been established 146 - Recommended guidelines for
Drift | HMS Action on dropped objects
The dropped objects project team has drawn up an action plan – based on suggestions from workers, both offshore and on land – for reducing such incidents in the petroleum industry even further.
Geodata Trade
A resource for oil companies, which ensures that all data owners get the best possible benefit from the exchanges/purchases they take part in.
Juss 077 Offshore Norge guidelines for joint user costs for mobile rigs, drill ships
077 Offshore Norge guidelines for joint user costs for mobile rigs, drill ships Contact person: Tommy Hansen
Arbeidsliv Forhandlinger for landansatte avsluttet
Forhandlingene på Bransjeavtalen med Industri Energi og Oljeoverenskomsten med Safe og Negotia er avsluttet.
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