It has therefore included activities related to oil and gas production on the list of “important social functions”.
The purpose of this overview is to make provisions which ensures that critical personnel can carry out their work.
According to the government, the following key positions and personnel categories are included in the “socially-important” list:
- control-room staff related to the gas value chain
- critical operations personnel related to the gas value chain
- critical personnel offshore required to maintain oil and gas production.
Where the shipping industry is concerned, the following key positions and personnel categories are defined as a socially critical function:
- crew on vessels and rigs related to transport and to oil and gas production
- shipping company and other maritime industry personnel with significant duties related to maintaining operational logistics chains and energy production.
Personnel whose roles are critical for maintaining prudent operation in these sectors can be offered nursery/school places, subject to certain criteria.
Go here to find more information (in Norwegian only) about activities regarded as socially-critical/important.