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Extended validity on safety- and emergency preparedness training.

Update March 31st.

Norwegian Oil and Gas informed on March 13 that safety and emergency preparedness training will be extended until further notice. The government has continued all measures taken to combat the outbreak of Covid-19 in Norway.

As the period for measures to combat Covid-19 is continued, the following change is made to the recommendation for the validity period of the safety and emergency preparedness training:

Training in which the validity expires in the period 01.01.2020 and until further notice, has extended validity.

Training expired before this date, e.g. 20.12.2019, the operators must treat as a nonconformity. Ref. Chapter 6 Nonconformities in Norwegian oil and gas recommended guidelines for safety and emergency preparedness training.

Original article, dated 13.02.2020:

Norwegian oil and gas 002 recommended guidelines for safety- and emergency preparedness training sets requirements for the implementation of and validity period for safety- and emergency preparedness training.

Due to the outbreak of the Covid 19 virus, the following change is made to the recommendation for the validity period of completed courses.

For safety and emergency preparedness courses where the validity of the course expires, the validity is prolonged until further notice. 

This means that personnel with courses that have a validity date that expires will have renewed validity until Norwegian oil and gas sends out a new notification of changed validity for these courses.