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Photo: Norwegian Oil and Gas

Lederne break off talks

After two days of negotiations, the Norwegian Organisation of Managers and Executives (Lederne) broke off pay talks with the Norwegian Oil and Gas Association early on Thursday morning.

This year’s collective bargaining round for the offshore agreements is an interim settlement, with attention focused on adjustments to pay rates.

Norwegian Oil and Gas negotiated on 7-8 May on behalf of the employers with the Norwegian Union of Industry and Energy Workers (Industry Energy) and the Norwegian Union of Energy Workers (Safe) as well as Lederne.

“Offers were made to all three within the framework agreed in central talks between the national organisations earlier this year,” reports lead negotiator Jan Hodneland at Norwegian Oil and Gas.

Safe did not approve the offer it was made, but has accepted that Norwegian Oil and Gas will implement it. Industry Energy left the talks without signing the protocol.

The settlement with Lederne will now go to mediation. This independent union has just under 1 000 members covered by the offshore agreements for Norway’s oil and gas sector.

Read also: Talks on offshore pay deals under way

Kolbjørn Andreassen, information manager, Norwegian Oil and Gas, mobile +47 952 82 808