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Mediation for land employees in Safe

The Norwegian Union of Energy Workers (Safe) has announced that it does not accept the outcome of negotiations on the oil agreement for land-based oil plants in Norway. This collective pay settlement will thereby go to mediation.

During talks in May, the Norwegian Oil and Gas Association and Safe settled on terms which primarily represented an extension of the existing oil agreement.

Pay was thereafter to be negotiated by the individual company, with a deadline of 1 September for reaching agreement.

The breakdown of talks was minuted on 7 September. It will be up to the National Mediator to determine when mediation is to take place.

Safe has notified the withdrawal of labour by 818 members working at various facilities, including the following land-based plants: Kårstø, Mongstad, Kollsnes, Tjeldbergodden, Melkøya, Slagentangen and Nyhamna/Ormen Lange.

Jan Hodneland, lead negotiator, Norwegian Oil and Gas, mobile +47 913 41 301
Kolbjørn Andreassen, communication manager, Norwegian Oil and Gas, mobile +47 952 82 808